

Page history last edited by fiona-jane 16 years, 10 months ago

Collieston Over-60s Group


John Allan (right) is now our interviewer for Collieston, and he has done a sterling job including John Robertson, Isa Shewan, Irene Ross, Charlie Esson, Charlie Murray and now Jim Mathers in at the wire. Collieston's total stands at 8.  Thank you all you lovely folks for your stories.  The main thing that sticks out at the moment is Charlie Esson's stone cheese press and Charlie Murray's adventures down under.  Irene's irrepresible laughter cheered my fellow transcriber greatly. More clips of these soon!



The Over 60s from Collieston are enjoying a cup of tea at Cluny Cottages.


Map of Collieston area: from Multimap.com




Rear Admiral Steve Ritchie playing boules at the Collieston Bouledrome. Steve told interviewer Ellie Ingram how he founded the Collieston Boules Club in the 1980s.Steve's experiences in the RN Surveying Service for thirty five years, during which time he commanded four of her Majesty's surveying ships world-wide are discussed in his book No day too long - An hydrographers tale (1992), published by The Pentland Press. He was Hydrographer of the Navy from 1966 to 1971 and President of the International Hydrographic Bureau in Monaco from 1972 to 1982.  You can read an extract from it here.  Steve is also featured on Collieston's Century talking about the efforts to maintain the pier in the village.  




George Ross overlooking the rocks near Hackley Bay.


In the interview, conducted by Ellie Ingram, George recalls the day in January 1942 when

he was involved in the successful rescue of four members of the crew of the 'Lesrix' which

ran aground on rocks near Hackley Bay.  George now lives in Dunblane, Stirlingshire.


This amazing story had me on the edge of my seat! (FJB)


There is now a small clip of George describing a crucial stage in the rescue featuring

the heroic Richard Ingram, who received a medal for his bravery, on the PodCasts page.



Go to the link in the sidebar to listen!



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