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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago

The Formartine Design Competition




Turriff Academy: Duncan Henderson; Eilidh MacInnes; Sam Murdoch & Finlay Milne


Meldrum Academy: Nick Breed & Kimberley Smith


well done to the winners - thanks to all who took part - the winning designs are displayed online here:


Also introducing The Workshop Gallery: shots of the crew hard at work!!

The Workshop


Nick, Kimberley, Sam (a girl not a boy!), Finlay, Duncan and Eilidh came into College on Monday & Tuesday of this week and produced three STUNNING designs between them. Kimberley and Eilidh were lucky enough to have their picture in the Press & Journal today - Wednesday 24th October - sadly I don't think it was in the rural editions! Anyway, the article is linked here.


Lynne, Rhonda and I were amazed at how the pupils got on so well, with eachother and the equipment. They picked up using PhotoShop and the Applemacs without any trouble. Senior pupils Nick and Duncan were already Mac-experts having their own at home. The group had a number of visitors during their stay, including our esteemed chairman of the Formartine Partnership board, Brian Martin; Sandra Walker, Associate Principal of the College; P&J photographer Jim Irvine; Formartine Development Officer, Morag Wright; and the IT Centre Operations Manager, Kelly Hilton and her second in command, Senior Instructor Bill Leys all had a look at the pupils' work.


Some art & design students who were in working on their own material were really impressed by their work, and said it was hard to believe the designs had been done by secondary school pupils. Lynne said she was a bit worried about the competition now and said she was going home to practice!


The pupils worked in pairs, the schools mixing together, with Nick & Finlay from Meldrum & Turriff, Kimberley & Eilidh from Meldrum & Turriff teaming up respectively. Young Sam got a chance to show off her drawing talents to her senior school mate, Duncan, who is also an expert with a pen and pencil. It was Lynne's idea to let them join up with eachother so they could generate new ideas. The girls quickly made friends and were busy swapping mobile phone numbers by the end of day two. The lads relaxed and worked away together quietly.


I really feel that the pupils brought a burst of energy and youth to the normally very quiet mid-term-holiday IT Centre, and they were soon welcomed by everyone in College who had dealings with them. Thanks to our catering colleague from Sodexho who made sure the bairns didn't go hungry. Finlay commented that it was great being able to go up and take whatever you wanted to eat.


I am delighted that the pupils got such a great experience of College and working together, and I hope it will encourage them all to carry on with their art careers. Nick, Duncan and Kimberley are all set on going to art school either in Aberdeen or Edinburgh. Brian Martin observed that, thinking on his own children who had gone to the College for their HNC art qualifications and later to Dundee Art College for their degrees, involvement in this 'commercial' project would be a great benefit to those going further in the next year or so as an addition to their portfolios.


Thank you to Rhonda and everyone else at College who looked after our budding designers.


Thank you also to Lynne Strachan who was a real encouragement and a great teacher over the two days. Sam, particularly said she liked the way Lynne would listen to her ideas and then give her suggestions how to put them into practice.


The pupils were all interviewed as part of the project, so not only will their designs appear on the three sets of covers, but their voices will be preserved on disk in all the library & school collections from March 2008 onwards.


We do hope they can come to the launch at Lochter in March!


Finished Designs


The three final designs will be used on the three sets of CDs which will be at the school/or public libraries, and in the North East Folklore Archive, Mintlaw.

Click here to go to the winners' page again to see those fantastic works that will be heading to the printers just before Christmas.


The Prize


The six winners will be invited to take part in a 2-day design workshop with local designer Lynne Strachan of Curious Cranberry Designs, where they will work on three final designs - a bittie like the Apprentice, but Alan Sugar won't be shouting at anyone! ;-)


This workshop will take place during the October Holidays - 22-23 Oct, 2007 at the Aberdeen College IT Centre. Principal Rae Angus has kindly agreed that the winners can use the College's IT Centre and their state of the art Apple Mac computers to create the final designs.


All entrants should ensure that they are available to come into Aberdeen on these dates, and that their parents agree. The winners will enjoy hospitality from the College over their two days, with refreshments and the like. Lynne and the IT Centre staff will be there to supervise them. There will be a publicity launch when the winners arrive, David Atherton (Aberdeenshire Council Arts Education Officer) and I will be there to welcome them.








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